Plumbing Tools | January 26, 2024

The Rise of Plumbing Robots 

The Rise of Plumbing Robots 

Robotics is an ever-changing field, with new applications every day. From healthcare to military uses, did you know that there is a rise in the use of plumbing robots? From a pipe worm that will slink through city sewers collecting information, to plumbing robots that go into unsafe situations and fix the issue. Many companies are coming up with new helpful robots. Some help plumbers work more efficiently and some can do basic plumbing tasks, like clearing pipes of their clogs. 

What do Robots Have to do with Plumbing?

Robots Have to do with Plumbing

Robotics in plumbing are the next step in the evolution of plumbing technology. There are many different uses for a plumbing robot. New tools can help make plumbing more efficient, and cost-effective and help plumbing become less of a “backbreaking” job. As it can help take the load off of the plumber. 

Benefits of Plumbing Robots

Benefits of Plumbing Robots

There are many benefits to robotics in plumbing, from safety to efficiency to precision. They make plumbing robots a great idea for your plumbing business. 


plumbing robots can spend more time  in sewers safely than humans

Since these plumbing robots are not human they can go into areas that may be deemed as unsafe to work in. A robot can safely go into these areas filled with noxious or other toxic gasses. Constant exposure to these without proper ventilation can make someone very sick. They also reduce the risk of on-the-job injuries, as plumbing robots can take on riskier work, and eliminate human error in accidents and injuries. 

Job Efficiency 

plumbing robots help job efficiency

Plumbing robots can make your jobs more efficient! Some municipalities in the United States are considering using sewer robots to easily locate where clogs and breaks in the pipes. This helps save a lot of money as there is no need to excavate the ground that is not directly above the break.The robot itself can find and push out clogs, eliminating the need to hire a plumber for pipe cleaning.

Some robots constantly monitor the sewer system, reporting back any out-of-the-norm things. This way, they can fix a minor issue before it becomes a major one. 

Cost Efficiency 

Cost Efficiency 

A plumbing robot is going to be an expensive start-up cost. However, think of it as an investment as it will help reduce costs overall on plumbing jobs. As we mentioned before, some may alert to minor issues before they turn into major ones. This can save on material and labor costs. They also cut costs by enhancing job efficiency, minimizing the need for redoing tasks, and reducing labor expenses.


plumbing robots are precise

Designers create plumbing robots with extreme precision to prevent human errors. For example, when a plumbing robot cuts a pipe for replacement, it can measure and cut precisely the required amount. No need to waste piping material when a plumber cuts too much or too little. 

pipes- robots in plumbing

Plumbing robots can also make it into tighter spaces than a plumber may be able to. This can mean a myriad of things. Ceiling or flooring may not need to be cut as much to allow access to certain pipes or plumbing fixtures. This will save the homeowner costs on putting their ceiling or flooring back together. If there is a tight crawl space, a robot should be able to find and fix the issue. 

Final Thoughts

Plumbing robots may seem like a futuristic reality, more and more companies are starting to get involved in the creation of this idea. They will be able to help make plumbing more efficient and give our plumbers a helping hand! 

Call 1-Tom-Plumber

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need help with any plumbing, drain cleaning, water damage, or excavation services. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem. We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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