Plumbing Tips | January 18, 2024

Types of Water Meters 

Types of Water Meters 

Have you ever been curious about what measures the amount of water coming into your home? That is your water meter, and there are quite a few different types of water meters that can be used for both residential and commercial applications. If you are unsure of which type you may want, keep reading to find out more information. 

Positive Displacement Water Meter

positive displacement water meter

This style of water meter tends to be one of the most common styles. It is extremely accurate and used for residential and commercial properties that are smaller. The positive displacement measures the water coming in by taking note of how much the measurement device is displaced. There are a lot of moving parts in the positive displacement meter, therefore it will require maintenance and eventual replacement.  

Velocity Flow Meters

The first type of water meter comes with multiple subtypes. All types convert flow speed into the volume of water used. The internal blade is rotated by jets. The speed at which it rotates is a “known speed” that helps determine the amount of water being used. These are mainly used in residential applications. 

Single and Multi-Jet

water meter
Image Source: Amazon

Single jet style is a lower-cost water meter. As the name suggests it uses just one jet to turn the blade. While the blade is moving it is recording the amount of water flowing through the machine. The multi-jet option uses a few different streams to check the water levels. The multi-jet style tends to be a little bit more accurate than the single jet. It is also better for homes or buildings that use more water. 

Compound Flow Meter

water meter
Image Source: Grainger

The next type of flow meter is a compound flow meter, which is a combination of a turbine flow meter, which we’ll discuss in a minute, and positive displacement. The combination of both styles is great for commercial spaces where water usage isn’t flowing evenly. For example, apartments or universities may have bigger water needs in the morning. This style will accurately measure an inconsistent water flow. 

Turbine Flow Meter

water meter
Image Source: Zero Instrument

The last type of velocity flow water meter is the turbine flow meter. The internal rotator is set at an angle which helps for large diameter pipes. This tends to be used in industrial or commercial applications only. Water that moves through are measured by the magnet. These magnets are seeing how fast the blades are spinning. This is an extremely accurate measurement. 

Ultrasonic Water Meters

This next style of water meter has two different subtypes, with the same measurement style, ultrasound. The ultrasound waves can capture the speed of the water moving through your piping system.  


water meter
Image Source: Amazon

When using a Doppler-style water meter the sensors are installed on the outside of the pipe. Generally, these sensors are also all over the outside of the pipe, and not just in one location. This style only has a few applications. The use for this water meter type is in the mining industry or any other industry where clear water is not present.

Transit Water Meter

This may be one of the more expensive water meter types out there however, it is also one of the most accurate ones out there. It also tends to last the longest as it has no moving parts. These are great to use if you have a tight or oddly shaped space as they work in any position. 

Electromagnetic Water Meter 

Image Source: Instrumart

The last style is an electromagnetic water meter, which uses a sensor and transmitter that measure the flow of water coming through the pipes. This method tends to be one of the more accurate options. They use them in both clean and wastewater applications.

Choosing the Right Water Meter

As you can see there are tons of different options for water meter types, how do you choose the right one? There are quite a few different things to consider. You want to look at what application you are using it for. Is it your home or a large industrial commercial building? That will eliminate a few of the options. The next question to ask yourself is, how accurate do I need it to be? All of these options are accurate but some are slightly more so than others. What type of fluid are you measuring is another question you should take into account when looking for water meter types. Is it thicker? Is the fluid clear or does it have solids? 

Final Thoughts

There are many different water meter types on the market today. Your plumber will be able to help guide you through the process of picking one out. Plumbers train on which water meter is the best one for you, making them a great resource!

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need help with any plumbing, drain cleaning, water damage, or excavation services. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem. We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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