General | December 8, 2023

Plumbing Terms You Should Know

Plumbing Terms You Should Know

Have you ever been listening to your plumber and not understanding what they are talking about? Plumbing terms can be confusing to those without much plumbing knowledge. Here is a list of some of the plumbing terms you need to know.


plumbing term- plunger
A sink plunger

We hope you know this plumbing term. However, a lot of people don’t know two main types of plungers work for different fixtures. The first has a flat bottom, this will not work in a toilet. This is a sink plunger, the flat bottom creates an airtight seal. The flat bottom will not create an airtight seal on a toilet. For that, you will need a toilet plunger. Toilet plungers have a bell shape to them. This is so it can fit into the drain of the toilet.

Auger or Snake

plumbing term- auger

Most people call this plumbing term a drain snake, but it’s more like an auger. These come in many different sizes that range from sink-sized to sewer-sized ones. These are generally a plumber’s first line of defense against clogs. Their coiled design makes it easy for them to catch and pull the clog out.

Grey Water

Off the grid plumbing - greywater system illustration

Grey water is specifically water that comes out of your dishwasher, washing machine, sink, and shower drains. This water can be reused for your lawn since its only contaminants are generally soap and grease. Many environmentally friendly folks have grey water systems in their home.

Black Water

plumbing term - black water
Water damage from black water

Our next plumbing term is black water. Black water is another term for sewage water. It’s highly contaminated and usually is what comes from your toilet. Black water is detrimental to your health, as it has a lot of contaminants that can get you sick.

Water Hammer

water hammering - diagram

Water hammers are those loud knocking noises you can hear in your walls after turning off a faucet or flushing your toilet. The water pushes hard against the pipes causing that noise. It can also happen if the water pressure in your home is too high. If you are hearing this often, it might be best to get it looked at.

Shut Off Valve

an important plumbing terms a stop valve

This next plumbing term is something you need to know about. Also known as a stop valve, they are under any sink and behind every toilet. If water is overflowing from one of these a shut-off valve will save the day. They will stop the water from coming to that specific fixture. There is also one at your water main to shut the water off to the whole house.

Plumbing Trap

p-trap is another plumbing terms

This plumbing term is associated with every drain in your home. There is one under every sink and every toilet. A P-Trap is generally shaped like a sideways P. This holds a small amount of water there for two main purposes. The first and most important is to prevent sewer gases from coming into your home. The second is that it will collect anything solid dropped in there. If you drop a ring down the drain, the P-Trap is where it will be. For a toilet, there is a third purpose, to keep water in the bowl.

Vent Stack

a vent stack is a plumbing term to know

Every home and building is required to have at least one main vent stack. The vent stack connects the sewer to the roof. Why? To let out sewer gasses and make sure waste flows in the right direction. This may be one of the more important plumbing terms as sewer gasses are extremely unsafe as waste flows backward and contaminates water. Every drain has it’s own vent, but instead of having their own stack, they all connect.

Final Thoughts

The more plumbing terms you know, the more you’ll understand your plumber! Here at 1-Tom-Plumber, our plumbers strive to make sure our customers understand what is going on. If you ever have any questions about what your plumber is saying, the best advice we can give is to just ask!

Call 1-Tom-Plumber 

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need any plumbing, drain cleaning, water damage, or excavation service. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning. We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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