How Plumbing can Help you Conserve Water

Water conservation may seem hard to do, how are you supposed to use less water? However, switching some of your plumbing fixtures or water using appliances over to more water conserving options will help. It is also important to note that with these appliances you won’t notice the lesser amount of water being used until you get a lower water bill. 


low flow toilet

Low flow toilets are now mandatory in some states and for good reason. A standard toilet uses about 3.5 gallons of water for every single flush. That adds up quickly, especially if there are multiple people in your home. Low flow toilets conserve about 2 gallons of water per flush, meaning they only use 1.5 gallons to flush. You can save 1,000 gallons of water per toilet yearly by making the switch. 

If your toilet is a lot older, it may be wasting even more water than 3 gallons. It is important to update your toilet as soon as you are able to. If you are worried about the less amount of water you can always invest in a dual flush toilet. This can save you water when possible and give you more water per flush as needed. 

Faucets and Shower Heads

high efficiency shower head to conserve water

Along with a low flow toilet, you can also get a low flow or high efficiency shower head and faucet for any sink. They are both designed so you won’t notice the lesser amount of water coming through them. If you switch to a high efficiency faucet and shower head they can reduce the amount of water used by 30-40% per item. 

Hot Water 

water heater

The further away the faucet, shower head or any water using appliances the longer it takes the hot water to arrive. This means that you will leave the water running until the water is at your desired temperature. Hotels have been using hot water recirculation pumps for years, and now they are available for residential use. They work in conjunction with your water heater to get the hot water to your sink in a more timely manner. 


irrigation system to conserve water

Another easy way to conserve water with your plumbing is with your irrigation system. It’s ideal to get an irrigation system that has automatic controls. That way, you don’t have to remember to turn it off when it is finished. There are also irrigation systems that adjust the schedule for you based on local weather. That way, it doesn’t run when it has been raining a lot. 

Regular Inspection

fixing leaks conserves water

Another way to save water is regularly inspecting all of your water using appliances. Leaks may not look like they are wasting a lot of water, but they waste more than you may think. Along with inspecting the appliances, it is important to check for any wet spots, which could mean a pipe is leaking in your walls. 

Final Thoughts

While this may seem overwhelming, you can slowly change things over time. It isn’t necessary to go switch all your appliances or toilets to high efficiency right away. As they break down or you want to upgrade, consider the high efficiency options. However, when you can it is always best to choose the option that will conserve water.

Call 1-Tom-Plumber

Don’t hesitate to contact or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you want to upgrade to eco-friendly options. We will immediately handle any emergency plumbingdrain cleaning and drain clearing, and water damage problem, including excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines.

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