Plumbing Safety | September 14, 2022
What Should My Water Heater Temperature Be At?
You want to make sure your water heater temperature is set to the right degree, but what is considered the right temperature?
Let’s dive into the pros and cons of having your water heater temperature set too high or too low. We can also determine what the right temperature is for your water heater.
There are risks you take when setting your water heater temperature too high or too low.
When It’s Too High
Scalding Accidents
This is the worst case if you have your water heater temperature set too high. This can be dangerous especially for children. Believe it or not, children are burnt from the water being too hot more often than you might think.
The best thing to do to be able to avoid this is to make sure you’re waiting at least 3 minutes before checking the temperature to see if it’s good to go then. You can always adjust the temperature but make sure you’re doing so before getting in the water.
High Electricity Bill
If your water heater is set too high, it can skyrocket your electricity bill. Just by lowering your temperature, you can save money on your energy bill.
The reason for the increase in your electricity bill would be because of standby heat loss. This just refers to when a water heater is not being used to its full potential, causing a lot of the heat to be lost.
Lower’s Your Unit’s Service Life
Having your water heater temperature too high can lower the quality of your unit’s life. This is because the extremely hot water can speed up the process of hard water mineral sediment inside the tank. This is usually calcium carbonate, which is an insoluble solid that looks a lot like chalk, limestone, etc.
Another big factor is rust that accumulates inside the tank. Rust can really wear down your water heater’s life span. It can result in leaks and water that is contaminated with the rust.
When It’s Too Low
Let’s switch it up and talk about the risks you endure if your water heater temperature is too low.
Legionnaires Disease
This is really the big factor when your water heater temperature is just too low. Legionnaires disease is a bacterial infection that you can catch due to a form of atypical pneumonia. This can be the case for the water inside your water heater if you happen to breathe in water droplets where the bacteria is present.
In this case, this type of bacteria can form inside a water heater if the water temperature is too low. This type of bacteria is known to be in water that is at a low temperature.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, it is important to know that your water heater temperature should be set within the range of 120-140 degrees fahrenheit. If you have a larger water heater than normal, you can set it to anywhere between 130-140 degrees fahrenheit.
We have to watch out for the children though. With that being said, you can set your water heater temperature to 120 degrees fahrenheit to ensure that it’s safe for your children.
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We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.