Environmental | September 20, 2022
What Exactly Causes Clogged Gutters?
This can be a common problem for most households but some houses might struggle with it more than others. This is because of multiple surrounding factors. A lot of things can cause clogged gutters. Find the top contributing factors and see what you can do in order to prevent your gutters from clogging so often.
How Often Do I Need to Clean my Gutters?
Typically, you should be cleaning your gutters at least twice a year. Nature can take a toll on your house quicker than you probably realize and leave you with clogged gutters. With that being said, if your house has a ton of foliage surrounding it, clean out your gutters around every 3 or 4 months. If your house has little to no foliage surrounding it, then you will be good to go for a much longer period of time.
When is the Best Time of Year to Clean my Gutters?
The best time of year to clean your gutters is early spring and early fall. Typically during the spring, this season brings a ton of rain. You want to make sure that your gutters are geared up for that. In other words, make sure that there is nothing in the way of letting that rain water run through your gutters. Completely cleaning them out before the season is in full swing will ensure that you are not going to have any issues with clogged gutters.
During the early fall, this can also be the best time to clean your gutters out. Everything that has built up or fallen into your gutters can now be cleaned out during this time. Typically, this time of year is mostly dry, meaning it will be easier to remove.
Why are my Gutters Filled with Dirt?
Dirt in your gutters is usually caused by the things that land on your roof and then move to your gutters. Leaves and other debris can start to decompose the longer they are there, potentially turning into sludge in your gutters. This is why it seems like your gutters are filled with dirt. If leaves and debris are constantly landing on your roof, it would be ideal to clean your gutters more often than just twice a year. Otherwise, clogged gutters might just be a result.
How Do I Stop my Gutters from Being Clogged?
Complete these tasks in order to stop your gutters from getting clogged:
Inspect and clean your downspouts every month. This way, you know for sure that your downspouts are not going to restrict rainwater from running through.
Trim tree limbs away from the roof of your home. Falling leaves and limbs are one of the main factors of clogged gutters.
Remove the potential for any other type of debris clogging your gutters. Just cleaning out your gutters with whatever type of debris is in there currently will help prevent clogs from happening.
Installing leaf nets can be a great solution to keeping leaves and other debris out of your gutters and downspouts. You will find that your gutters will be less prone to clogs by using this accessory on your gutters.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, there are many of nature’s factors that can cause your gutters to be clogged. Performing maintenance on your gutters will help to best prevent clogs from happening. Surrounding factors like tree limbs or any extra foliage around should be cut back. This is so they’re away from the roof of your home.
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Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need any plumbing, drain cleaning, or excavation service. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem.
We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.