Before the Roll: A Journey Through the History of Toilet Paper


In the grand tapestry of human innovation, few inventions are as universally appreciated yet rarely discussed as toilet paper. This humble product, a staple in bathrooms worldwide, has a surprisingly rich history that predates its modern form.

Before the advent of toilet paper, people employed a variety of creative and sometimes astonishing methods to achieve personal cleanliness. Let’s dive into the fascinating evolution of toilet hygiene practices and the eventual rise of toilet paper.

The Ancient Innovators of Toilet Paper


Before toilet paper, ancient civilizations found their own solutions. The Romans used a tool called the tersorium, a sponge on a stick shared in public lavatories. This communal approach to personal hygiene, while innovative, likely contributed to the spread of diseases.

The Greeks, not to be outdone, used shards of pottery for the same purpose, sometimes inscribing the names of enemies on them as a form of ancient curse.

From Leaves to Luxury

Leaves used for wiping

As we journey through history, personal hygiene materials vary widely by region and status. In medieval Europe, without toilet paper, people used leaves, moss, or snow. The wealthy, however, could afford luxuries like wool soaked in rose water or lace. This disparity highlights not only the ingenuity of our ancestors but also the social inequalities of the past.

In the East, particularly in China, the use of paper for personal hygiene was documented as early as the 6th century, a precursor to the toilet paper we know today.

The Corn Cob and Catalog Era of Toilet Paper

Corn used for wiping

In the New World, early American settlers adapted to their environment by using readily available materials like corn cobs, a surprisingly effective and abundant resource. As the nation developed, mass-produced materials, such as newspapers, became popular alternatives, offering a glimpse into the resourceful and pragmatic American spirit.

This era of improvisation reflects a time when convenience and necessity drove innovation in personal hygiene practices.

The Dawn of Modern Toilet Paper

Old toilet paper

The invention of modern T.P. in the 19th century marked a significant turning point in human hygiene practices. Joseph Gayetty introduced the first commercially available toilet paper in the United States in 1857, heralding a new era of convenience and cleanliness.

However, it wasn’t until the advent of indoor plumbing and the increasing availability of paper products that toilet paper became a household staple. The Scott brothers, founders of the Scott Paper Company, played a pivotal role in popularizing toilet paper on a roll, transforming it into the essential bathroom item we recognize today.

This period of innovation laid the groundwork for the development of softer, more hygienic, and environmentally friendly toilet paper options.

Towards a Sustainable Future

A big pile of toilet paper rolls

In recent years, the environmental impact of traditional toilet paper production has come under scrutiny. The industry’s reliance on virgin wood pulp contributes significantly to deforestation and climate change.

In response, consumers and manufacturers alike are turning towards more sustainable alternatives, such as bamboo, recycled paper, and bidets. These eco-friendly options offer the promise of a cleaner, greener future where personal hygiene doesn’t come at the expense of our planet’s health.

The evolution of T.P. from ancient tools to sustainable products reflects our growing awareness of environmental issues and our commitment to solving them.

Final Thoughts

The history of toilet paper is a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. Our journey from ancient Rome’s tersorium to today’s options shows innovation, social inequality, and environmental awareness. The toilet paper story reminds us to meet daily needs creatively and sustainably.

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