Plumbing Tips | August 22, 2022

How Often Does Your Home’s Plumbing Need Maintenance?

How Often Does Your Home’s Plumbing Need Maintenance?

Plumbing maintenance is so important for your home. A lot of the daily tasks you do in your home pertain to using your home’s plumbing system. Therefore, making sure that you are maintaining the quality of your plumbing is an important factor. 

There are many reasons why and I’m here to tell you! 

Without performing maintenance on your home’s plumbing system can lead you to some serious repairs. Checking for things such as leaks or blockages can save you a lot of money if you catch them early on. Otherwise, you would have some pretty expensive repairs to take care of. 

Plumbing Maintenance Can Help You Recognize Plumbing Issues Before They Progress

One of the most common plumbing issues in a home is a leaking pipe. No matter how slow or fast the pipe is leaking, if you don’t catch it soon enough, it can cause serious water damage to your home. 

Inspecting your pipes and looking to make sure there are no leaks is something that you should do periodically. Without being aware, you can’t fix the issue, but if you aren’t aware of the issue, there will be unexpected damage to fix and money to pay. 

plumbing maintenance - catch leaking pipes before they cause severe water damage
A leaking pipe can cause major damage to your home if it’s not caught soon enough.

Prevents Future Clogs and Blockages 

Taking the right preventative measures to prevent clogs and blockages in your pipes is an important task to obey in your home. The reason why this is so important is because clogs and blockages can lead to flooding in your home. 

Some of the best ways to help prevent clogs is by watching what you’re putting down your sinks and toilets, using 1-ply toilet paper, putting a drain guard over your bathtub to catch hair, and more. 

A clogged sink can be common if you aren't watching what you are sending down the drain.
A clogged sink can be common if you aren’t watching what you are sending down the drain.

It Will Save You From Costly Repairs

Say you take into account the importance of plumbing maintenance and see that because you are maintaining the quality of your plumbing and although it has cost some money to keep up on it, you realize that it has saved you from bigger issues like major water damage and flooding. 

Getting your home’s pipes periodically cleaned can save you so much time and money in the long run. Dealing with big plumbing issues or water damage is never fun, just perform the maintenance and call it a done deal. 

Plumbing maintenance can save you from having to pull that extra money out of your savings!
Plumbing maintenance can save you from having to pull that extra money out of your savings!

Plumbing Maintenance Can Help Improve Your Water Pressure

Hard water can create buildup in your pipes over time, like mineral deposits and other debris. If those mineral deposits continue to grow and spread, this can cause other material to latch onto it without making it through the drain pipe entirely. This can eventually lead to backups or clogs.  

When speaking of water pressure, clearing your pipes of mineral deposits can help increase your water pressure. If you notice your water pressure is lower than normal, this could be why. If you see a difference once you have them cleaned out, then you know what the issue was!

On the left, you can see what normal water pressure looks like out of a faucet. On the right, you can see that the water pressure is significantly less.
On the left, you can see what normal water pressure looks like out of a faucet. On the right, you can see that the water pressure is significantly less.

How to Test Your Water Pressure at Home

Schedule a Plumbing Maintenance Appointment

We would love to get you on the schedule for a preventative maintenance appointment for your plumbing. We can even schedule out in advance so you never have to worry about giving us a call and scheduling for your next appointment. This way, you know your pipes are always in good condition. More so, there is nothing in the way from your water supply coming through. 

Hydro jetting a sewer clean out
Hydro jetting a sewer clean out

Final Thoughts 

If you haven’t ever looked into your home’s plumbing before, it’s best to say that you should. Although it doesn’t seem common, a lot of people have unknown issues with their plumbing.

We see it all the time. It really comes down to what you are inspecting in your home and knowing what to look for. By performing maintenance on your plumbing, it can save you a lot of trouble and a lot of money!

Call 1-Tom-Plumber 

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need help with any drain cleaning service, anywhere in your home or business. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem. We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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