Construction | July 27, 2022

What is Polybutylene Pipe? 

What is Polybutylene Pipe? 

You might have never heard of polybutylene pipe before. That’s because everyone has strayed away from these types of pipes for very good reasons. 

You might be wondering what these pipes really are. They are a pipe made of plastic resin used for many water supply lines. This type of pipe was popular during in a region called the “Sunbelt” which was when a lot of residential construction was going on. It started in 1978, continued throughout the entire 80s, and ended in the mid 90s.

Although people were under the impression of many great benefits to this type of pipe like low cost, easy to install, and long-lasting, that was actually far from the truth. The cons might have outweighed the pros in this situation sooner than later. This is because polybutylene pipes ended up being a disaster for many. 

People ended up finding out that the plastic reacts to things like disinfectants and oxidants which is common to clean and disinfect our water. This caused the pipe to start to flake, deteriorate, and eventually burst! This was a very unfortunate situation for people. A burst pipe is something that people have to take care of right away as it could quickly cause damage to your home. 

What is the Reasoning Behind These?

Creating this type of pipe would be beneficial because they are versatile, strong, and could resist cold temperatures. Those are all great components to have for residential use. It turns out that everyone was unaware of the disadvantages of this type of pipe. Issues started to rise, and never stopped. 

Believe it or not, there was a $750 million settlement because so many people had suffered damage to their homes from these pipes bursting. In addition to this settlement, discontinuing the use of polybutylene pipes was necessary. 

Polybutylene is unsafe and will eventually burst. Take the right steps in getting it replaced.
Polybutylene is unsafe and will eventually burst. Take the right steps in getting it replaced.

How do I Know if I Have Polybutylene Pipes in My Home?

There are quite a few ways to know if you have this type of pipe in your home or not. The first indicator would be color. If you find a pipe that is blue or gray in color, that could be a polybutylene pipe. Cream and black are also colors that this type of pipe could be. Blue or gray is just the most common.

Secondly, if you find that your pipe has letters and numbers that say “PB2110” that is a polybutylene pipe. 

The great thing about trying to identify this type of pipe in your home is that the only use for it was water supply matter. You can completely skip over looking at your waste, vent, or drain pipes. Just focus on the direct areas in your house where it could be located. 

You might be wondering where those places would be. The prime places in your home where polybutylene pipe could be located include attachments to your sink and toilets, your water heater, your main shut off valve, and any pipe that you might have running along your basement ceiling. 

Typically these pipes are found to be blue or gray, but could also be cream or black. If they are exposed on your ceiling like this and are similar to the tips given to identify this type of pipe, they are most likely polybutylene pipes.
Typically these pipes are found to be blue or gray, but could also be cream or black. If they are exposed on your ceiling like this and are similar to the tips given to identify this type of pipe, they are most likely polybutylene pipes.

What If I Find Polybutylene Pipe in My Home?

Your best bet would be to have this replaced with a new type of pipe. It’s only a matter of time before this type of pipe puts a burden on you and your home. While it might be working fine right now, there is no way of knowing when it will burst in your home leaving you with a mess. Water damage is not fun for anyone. This will be another issue you will have to deal with if you wait until the pipe bursts on its own. 

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, you should replace polybutylene pipes if you find that your home has them. Although it might seem like an unfortunate task to do, there are some benefits of doing it. On the bright side, replacing this type of pipe will increase the value of your home. It will also extend the life of your plumbing far beyond polybutylene pipe will for you. 

Call 1-Tom-Plumber 

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need any plumbing or pipe replacement in your home. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem. 

We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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