Plumbing Tips | February 28, 2023

How To Prevent Your Basement From Flooding

How To Prevent Your Basement From Flooding

The worst dread of a homeowner is a flooded basement. Valuables kept in the basement may all be at danger when it occurs. If you reside in a region of the United States that is prone to flooding, such as the upper Midwest, it is especially vital to be on the lookout for basement floods, but it never hurts to be ready wherever you are.

Groundwater typically floods basements when it chooses the easiest route. That passageway can be a fissure in your slab floor or foundation wall. The cove joint between your wall and floor may also be the source. Water can enter through cracks in window wells, cellar storm doors, or concrete stair treads.

Maintain Roof Gutters

Remove all dead leaves, scattered twigs, acorns and any other debris from your roof gutters so that water can flow freely. Water entering the downspout may be prevented by the debris. Water will overflow the side and fill the gutter before falling to the ground.

Rainfall during a strong storm might accelerate ground saturation near your home in a shorter amount of time. Pressure surrounding your home may grow if there is a lot of weight from the soil and the water could seek its way into your home’s foundation.

Clear Your Floor Drains

Your home’s floor drains can become clogged with dirt and other debris. Floor drains help to prevent flooding and other forms of water damage.

When water does enter your basement, this could clog the pipes, causing a buildup that could result in flooding.

Preventing your basement from flooding starts with being sure the drains are kept clear of obstructions.

basement floor drain - basement drain backup

Check Your Sump Pump

The best approach to guarantee that your basement stays dry throughout the rainy season is to have a functioning sump pump.

Sump pumps, as their name implies, push groundwater to the nearest pond or storm drain, preventing it from seeping through basement walls and floors.

Pour 5-gallons of water into the sump pit to test your sump pump. If the pump is working, it will automatically switch on, drain the majority of the water from the pit, and then turn off once more.

To avoid the power cable from tangling with the pump’s float switch and preventing the pump from turning on, make sure it is plugged in and securely fastened.

Maintain Your Septic Tank

If you own a septic tank, sometimes you may not remember when the septic tank was last cleaned out.

All waste water from toilets, sinks, dishwashers, bathtubs, and showers ends up there. Combine that with a severe downpour to flood the area around your property, including your septic tank, which is already overflowing.

You have the makings of a basement flood. Keep your septic tank clean by performing timely clean outs. The majority of septic service specialists will make sure you receive a mannerly reminder every two to five years.

Generator or Backup Battery

When the power goes out during a severe storm, a backup battery for your sump pump can give you peace of mind. A backup battery may be useful for up to a week, depending on the severity of the issue. It is a less expensive alternative to a generator because it does not require gas or propane to operate.

Your home and sump pump can both be powered by a generator. Heat, hot water, and food  in the refrigerator will all still be available as well. Home standby devices require specialized installation and upkeep, both of which can be costly. Although it is more expensive, for some people the convenience is worth it.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a flooded basement is the last thing any homeowner wants to encounter, the water damage costs could be immense and it could ruin many valuables. However, by taking the proper preventative measures explained above you and your home will be properly prepared for the worst.

Call 1-Tom-Plumber

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need to install any battery backup sump pump. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem.

We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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