Plumbing Tips | November 29, 2022

How to Adjust the Water Heater Temperature

How to Adjust the Water Heater Temperature

There are several reasons why your water heater should be set to a specific temperature range. If it’s set too low, your hot water will feel lukewarm at best, and it may even promote bacterial growth.

What Is The Correct Temperature Range?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that water heaters be set to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius) to prevent bacteria growth.

Of course, each home is unique. The greater the distance between a faucet and the water heater, the more heat is lost as the water travels, especially if the pipes aren’t insulated. To compensate, you may need to raise the temperature above the recommended 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius).

When deciding on a temperature, use your best judgment for your family and household. It’s best to keep the temperature between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 60 degrees Celsius). Adjust, test, and repeat until you’ve found the ideal temperature setting for your home and water heater.

The average temperature for a water heater ranges from 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
The average temperature for a water heater ranges from 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Do I Adjust The Hot Water Temperature?

The interface for adjusting the temperature on a water heater will differ depending on the type and model. Fortunately, most water heaters can be adjusted in the same way.

Most newer gas and electric water heaters, for example, have a thermostat hidden behind an insulated access panel. Electric water heaters frequently have two thermostats, one on top and one at the bottom of the tank. Additionally, most tankless water heaters include a display with a temperature readout and temperature control knobs.

Before making any changes to your water heater, you should always test the water. Turn on the water in the bathroom or kitchen sink and wait for it to get hot. Then, to get an accurate reading, place a thermometer under the water.


Adjusting a tankless water heater is similar to adjusting your air conditioner’s thermostat. Simply control the temperature using the digital control panel as needed.

tankless water heaters - diagram
Diagram showing the process of a tankless water heater

Electric or Gas Water Heaters

Some gas water heaters have a dial near the bottom that you can adjust by turning it ““ no tools required. Most newer tank water heaters (gas or electric) are a little more complex. However, it’s still relatively simple and should only take a few minutes.

  1. Begin by turning off the water heater’s power at the circuit breaker.
  2. Locate the thermostat(s) access panel and remove it with a screwdriver
  3. Peel the insulation back.
  4. To adjust the thermostat, use a flathead screwdriver. If your water heater has two thermostats, change both the same amount. The upper thermostat should be set a few degrees higher than the lower thermostat.
  5. Reinstall the access panel and replace the insulation.
  6. Reconnect the power to the water heater.
  7. You may need to relight the pilot light on a gas water heater.
This diagram shows where you can typically find the temperature control on a gas or electric water heater.
This diagram shows where you can typically find the temperature control on a gas or electric water heater.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, adjusting your water heater temperature can be done in very little steps. Make sure to follow these directions and you’ll have your water heater temperature adjusted in no time.

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