Plumbing Tips | June 8, 2022

5 Sump Pump Problems (And How To Fix Them!)

5 Sump Pump Problems (And How To Fix Them!)

There are many problems your sump pump can have that will negatively affect how they function. This can be a big problem if any flooding occurs in your home. It’s important to be aware of these potential issues and solve them before any flooding occurs. Look out for strange sounds coming from your pump if you aren’t sure if it’s working correctly or not. Flooding can lead to major water damage in your home, so it’s very important to make sure everything is working the way it should.

Sump Pump Problems
Sump Pump

Smells Coming From Your Sump Pump

Any odd or unusual smells can indicate that something is wrong with your plumbing. There could be many reasons for this, but it can also be related to your sump pump. Sump pumps have a drain trap that holds water and is able to prevent any gas or sewage from making its way into your home. If the water evaporates completely, the gas and remaining smells will be able to make their way into your home. This is a common issue that will happen in hot weather. To fix this, make sure you always have water in your drain trap, especially when it’s hot and dry outside. Make sure the water level is high enough to cover the pipes. 


If your sump pump isn’t working properly or isn’t working at all, there’s a good chance that it has a clog. This is one of the most common problems your sump pump can have. The sump pit can fill up with debris, the float switch can become clogged with dirt and become jammed, the switches get tangled and jammed, or the mechanical parts become clogged. These are all ways your sump pump can clog. Check all of these things to make sure you don’t have any of these issues. If you do discover an issue, you can call your local plumber to fix the problem for you. We recommend frequently checking your sump pump to make sure there are no clogs, even if you don’t notice any issues.

Sump Pit
Sump Pit

Running Non-Stop

A sump pump should not be constantly running. A constantly running sump pump will create many problems, such as it being overworked and burnt out. Most likely the cause of this is a stuck switch, but there are many other things that can cause this. This is something to look out for especially if you have a cheaper model. The float switch can tangle and clog, which would cause the sump pump to continuously run. If this isn’t the issue, the cause may be a broken check valve. The check valve prevents water from making its way back into the pit while it travels upward. The sump pump will have to work much harder to do its job if the check valve is missing. This will lead to it running too much and becoming burnt out.

Poor Installation

One of the more obvious sump pump problems is incorrect installation. A sump pump, like many other appliances, needs to be installed a certain way for it to function properly. Make sure to follow the directions provided by the manufacturer exactly to ensure you install it correctly. The manufacturer will list all of the requirements for how to install it, and it shouldn’t be overlooked. If you aren’t sure of your ability to install your sump pump, call your plumber to install it for you.

Power Outage

Many storms will lead to power outages. Because your sump pump runs off of electricity, a power outage will make it unusable. To fix this problem, we recommend getting a battery backup for your sump pump. This will give you peace of mind that you’ll be protected from any flooding even if your power goes out. Even if you’ve never had any problems with your sump pump related to power outages, it’s still a good idea to install a battery backup.

Sump Pump Battery Backup. Sump pump problems
Sump Pump Battery Backup

Final Thoughts

If your sump pump isn’t working correctly, this can create many issues for your home. There are many different things that could be wrong with your sump pump. Luckily these sump pump problems have solutions. If your sump pump still isn’t working after following this guide, call your local plumber to diagnose the issue and fix it.

Call 1-Tom-Plumber

Don’t hesitate to contact us here or call us at 1-Tom-Plumber (1-866-758-6237) if you need a sump pump repair. 1-Tom-Plumber’s certified team of plumbers and drain technicians respond immediately to any emergency plumbing, drain cleaning, or water damage problem. We also handle the excavation of underground water lines and sewer main lines. Our immediate-response team is available every day and night of the year, even on holidays.

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